Installation & Maintenance

PV panels installation zincComfort Solutions Retrofit offer very high-quality Solar PV systems and installations. Through our dedicated team of qualified and vastly experienced electricians and roofers, we will install the system to the highest possible standards and carry out full commissioning and customer handover procedures. Maintenance is minimal on our PV systems but should our customers ever need repairs or maintenance, we are committed to looking after this requirement also. There are a few things to be very careful when installing solar PV which we will discuss below.



Roof work

Firstly, your roof. We employ qualified and experienced roofers to fit all our solar panels, which we see as an extremely important part of every installation. Your roof may have to be opened in 50-100 locations, in order to fit your panels and the last thing you want is for one of these roof penetrations to leak. Any leak around a solar bracket is an expensive repair item as your solar PV system would have to be decommissioned and panels removed to allow a roofer to get access to the area that is leaking. Then the panels have to be reinstalled and the system recommissioned after the repair.

It's equally important that there are a sufficient quantity of brackets installed, to ensure that your panels are secure during storms. All panels will stay on the roof during normal weather conditions but it's during storms that things get tested. That's why we follow manufacturer guidelines and we always check the structural integrity of your roof, before installing panels. In some cases, we need to reinforce the roof prior to fitting panels but this is what ensures the panels and your roof are secure, no matter what the weather.

We've seen too many general labourers and other unqualified personnel fitting panels on roofs. We've seen the leaks and the damage. We've seen the panels coming off in storms. Our promise to you is that these things won't happen with one of our systems. If they do, they are covered by our 10-year Installation Warranty where we guarantee our work.



The other important component of installation is of course, the electrical installation. Our electricians are fully qualified, registered and vastly experience with solar PV systems. Wiring and cable installation and connections by labourers is not permitted by our company. This means of course that we can't cut our prices like some installers but we fully stand over everything we do and the full installation is protected by our 10-year Installation Warranty.

Contact our dedicated sales team on (098) 42699 or on [email protected] to find out more or fill in our contact form here.


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