Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme
Discounts are now available from energy companies in return for "energy credits", under the Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) for energy efficient works on your home. Being a retrofit partner of Kore, we are working through Electric Ireland to bring these discounts to our customers. This is a futher incentive for homeowners to retrofit their homes in an energy efficient way. Comfort Solutions Ireland can apply these discounts for our customers when you choose us as your retrofit partner. The discount will be applied, in full, to your next Electric Ireland electricity bill. If you are not an Electric Ireland customer, this is not a problem but you would need to switch. These are significant discounts and in addition to SEAI grants and tax incentives, make this a superb time to consider a home energy upgrade. (Please note that we can also register these energy credits and offer you a small discount if you are not an Electric Ireland customer)
The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) is being implemented pursuant to the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012, Article 7. The Directive imposes a legal obligation on Member States to achieve new savings each year from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020 of 1.5% of the annual energy sales to final customers of all energy distributors and all retail energy sales companies by volume, averaged over the most recent three-year period prior to 1 January 2013. The target is cumulative, which means that it is based on incremental annual savings that deliver a total volume of savings at the end of the obligation period in 2020.
Ireland has chosen to effect the provisions of Article 7(9) of the Directive, opting to combine alternative policy measures and an energy efficiency obligation scheme to meet the national target. Obligated parties under the EEOS are energy distributors and retail energy sales companies that have market sales in Ireland of greater than 600 GWh final sales in any relevant year, regardless of the sector they supply.
Obligated parties’ targets are allocated according to their proportion of energy market sales volume in Ireland. Member States are obliged to put in place measurement, control and verification systems to verify savings by obligated parties. The positions against targets for each year are to be achieved, audited and finalised by 31 March of the following year. The target allocated to obligated parties is 550 GWh PPE, which is sub-sectoralised as 75% non-residential, 20% residential and 5% energy poverty residential. The minimum achievement for the period 2014-2016 is Year 1 60%, Year 2 75% cumulative and Year 3 90% cumulative. From Year 4 onwards, the minimum cumulative achievement will be 95% cumulative.
Obligated parties can choose to achieve energy savings independently or through partnerships with service providers in the market. The scheme permits the exchange of validated savings between obligated parties in certain circumstances. Obligated parties can buyout up to a maximum of 30% of their total cumulative target, whether or not they have achieved their minimum cumulative target. For any portion of the minimum annual target not achieved, exchanged or bought out, a penalty will be imposed. The price of buyout and penalty will be set and published by the Minister and reviewed as appropriate.
For a full list of measures and discounts available under this scheme, please download the PDF below:
If you are not or don't intend to become an Electric Ireland customer, we can still register these energy credits in return for a small discount. Please contact us for further details.