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We are recruiting!

We are currently recruiting for some great roles! This may be a fabulous opportunity, for you or for someone you know, to work with one of Ireland's leading energy retrofit companies. At Comfort Solutions Retrofit, we pride ourselves on the exceptionally high standards we deliver to our customers and our fantastic customer service. If you're interested or you know someone who may be, please view our Careers page and submit an application. And please spread the word!

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Home Energy Retrofit

Take your home to a new level of comfort, of warmth, of healthy living. Your family and their health are the most important things in life so why not invest in making it a fresh, inviting and cosy space? We can give you just that, for your existing home regardless of its present performance, just talk to us to find out how. We can even renovate or extend it at the same time!

Home Energy Retrofit with Comfort Solutions Retrofit - live comfortably forever.

Contact us now

External Wall Insulation

So, you want to be warm...yet you don't want a fuss. You'd love to be cosy on those nights in...and be rid of draughts, condensation and cold rooms. Comfort Solutions Retrofit are the leading installers of External Wall Insulation in Connaught and we offer the choicest systems on the market, just for you. Let us make your dreams come true during those freezing cold winters.

External Wall Insulation with impeccable quality, from Comfort Solutions Retrofit.

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Mechanical Ventilation

Dampness, mould or musty smells? As well as being unpleasant, this can be unhealthy for you and your family. We can offer you a real solution to poor air quality, through the installation of a Helios mechanical ventilation system. Hugely flexible in design and in price, we can tailor a system for your home, regardless of your budget.

Improve your air quality now with a market-leading Helios ventilation system.

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Wood Pellet Stoves

Comfort Solutions Retrofit are proud to supply and install many brands of wood pellet stoves, including market leaders, Thermorossi. From Air Stoves to Boiler Stoves and from Ductable models to Slim models and inserts, there is a huge range to choose from and we are sure to have one that suits your needs. We also offer the very unique, premium line of wood stoves from Thermorossi if you want a wood stove that offers features you could only have dreamed of.

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Your One-Stop-Shop for Energy Efficiency

Renewables: Wood Pellet

Wood Pellet Heating

Did you know that wood pellet heating is renewable and great for our environment, as well as creating a unique, cosy ambience?

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Our Energy to Save Yours

For many people, perhaps including you, it has become almost impossible to keep track of all that’s happening in the area of home energy retrofit and renewable energy. We can't get through a single day now without hearing about energy prices or some new technology for heating our homes. For homeowners like you, we understand that it can be very confusing. We’ve used our vast experience and knowledge to source the best and most reliable products on the market, and we present all of them to you here.

  • External wall insulation. Attic and roof insulation. Damp-proofing.

  • Wood pellet boilers & stoves. Heat pumps and solar PV systems.

  • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery or without. Air and Wind Tightness.

  • Renovations, extensions and deep energy retrofits.


We’ve got it all here, and more. We're your One-Stop-Shop for home energy retrofit, since 2009. We’ll help you make an informed decision. We'll do things right and won't cut corners; that's our promise. Call us today on (098) 42699 or fill out our contact form here.


“There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person’s lawful prey. It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money — that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot — it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

John Ruskin – 19th century poet and philosopher

External Insulation


Home Heating


Ventilation Systems


Energy Services




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